Curried Turkey Salad with Dried Apricots and Cashews

The marauding bands of wild turkeys are at it again.
Every spring, they venture into town, harassing motorists and delighting — or scaring — kids. And then people call me.
Am I the turkey patrol or something?
Apparently I am. A few years ago my town was plagued by wild turkeys. OK, by five turkeys. But people were scared. Very scared. And they called me.
Finally, around April Fool’s Day, I wrote a story about them. The turkeys, I mean. It took all of 20 minutes to write and it was done with tongue in cheek. Oh, it was factual, but it was also funny.
Then the wire service picked it up. A version of it ran on the front page of nearly every major newspaper in the country. “A Current Affair” called. Someone claims they saw the story on “Countdown With Keith Olbermann.”
(Thankfully, it did not run under my byline or I would be known as Turkey Woman.)
My little town acquired a reputation for fearing turkeys. And it was all my fault.
The turkeys are back. And the calls are coming in again.
I like turkeys. Every once in a while, I find one in my yard.
Recently, I found a bag of white turkey meat in my freezer, a left over from Christmas. I surveyed my pantry, which is never as full as Lydia’s, and came up with this cold salad.
Curried Turkey Salad With Cashews and Apricots
- 2 cups turkey, cut into chunks
- 3/4 cup celery, chopped
- ½ cup dried apricots, chopped
- ½ cup sweet onion, chopped
- ½ cup cashews or almonds
- 2 teaspoons curry
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- dash cumin
- dash sea salt
1 cup light mayonnaise
1/3 cup sugar-free apricot jam
Toss the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Blend the mayonnaise and the jam and drizzle over the salad.
Not bad for one of my slapdash meals. I like a hint of curry; you may want to add more for a bit more bite.
It was good the next day, too. I ate it for breakfast.
Great photos!
It's pretty SB, more or less, isn't it Kalyn? So happy I can have dried apricots on Phase Two.
Tanna, sometimes I have tuna salad for breakfast, too.
Lydia, you are just very prepared. I think wild turkeys are everywhere in spring - the wire services just turned a very simple little story into a feeding frenzy!
The salad looks yummy. Another of your recipes for me to try!
Cyn, I've eaten cole slaw and pizza for breakfast and loved it.
Laura, the original is not online, but I might be able to find the AP version.
Certainly another turkey salad - this was pretty good, if I do say so myself.
I'll often just toss some cut up leftover chicken with a little mayo, curry powder and salt and pepper. Delicious and quick. But now you've got me thinking about adding a little fruit--maybe some of the leftover golden raisins from my recent garam masala oatmeal cookie adventure.
It's snowing here, off and on, but at least the elections are over with! Always cause to celebrate.
What a hoot about the turkeys. Great story!