Paris: Rue du Cherche Midi
Any street with a name that implies a yearning for the sunny south requires a visit when the sun is shining. Alas, it was rarely shining when we visited Paris.
So it was a cloudless day (and one of our last in Paris) when we strolled down this narrow street, which is quieter than I imagined. It was mid-afternoon and the market on nearby Boulevard Raspail had just closed.
But I did take a few photographs. I was enchanted with the boutiques along Cherche Midi; the clothing in the windows really spoke to me (and now I understand why the French use the term “faire du leche vitrine,” which means to lick the windows, for the process we call window shopping).
Pretty things in windows (which always include food in Paris) are the stuff of dreams. We cannot always afford them. But they give us something to yearn for.
Sometimes a taste (or a lick) offers more long-term satisfaction than a whole meal.
Note: I've heard several explanations for the charming name of this equally charming street. The one I like best is "seeking the mid-day sun." It is my understanding the street got its name from a sundial on a building there.
Mary, bread and salad is one of my favorite Saturdya lunch meals - when I lived in Madison, I'd buy both salad fixings and sourdough bread at the Dane Couty Farm Market and then go home and make lunch.
Katie, next time it will be one of my first stops. We think next time might be in fall or winter of 2008, so I will have a while to wait.
? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!