Paris: The Jardin des Plantes
Each year, I take small steps toward becoming greener. I recycle books, plastic bags, cans, jars, bottles - as do most of us. We never use styrofoam, and we try not to overdo paper towels. We've learned to cut down on our driving, and my husband prefers to bicycle to work in the summer. We compost. We try to use what we have instead of buying new. We try to buy locally and fresh, with no additional packaging.
But there is so much more we can do.
I am appalled at the wasteful packaging that runs rampant in the health and beauty industry; my goal for the next year is not to buy products that use lots of plastic molding.
I was encouraged recently when I found paper bowls that were made from corn, potatoes and limestone.
I've found one of the best ways to be green is to have the Frugal French Gene.
How about you? Got any tips for me?
Of course, some of mine are from Ed L'Epicier and Leclerc - I like those the best!
The dragon was there the last time we were too! Seemed like great fun.
Funny, we always bring string bags along when we travel - an old habit that started when we were forced to buy a string beach bag in Myrtle Beach so I could carry clothes and make room in my suitcase for stuff I bought.
I seldom see anyone else using string bags in Paris, though, even though I saw them in stores.
Now if they could figure out a way to make a suitcase that converts into a granny cart...
I know, this was Greek and or French to most of you, but at least it is reusing...
Mimi, glad to hear there is yet another opportunity to buy bags. I got the 80c variety from monoprix the first time, the ten euro from La grande (overpriced) Epicerie Paris this week and next week off to Ed L'epicier.
thanks mimi
The other wonderful thing that's happening is that they're now making the pots you buy plants in from organic material, so you can plant the whole pot!
I used to be able to walk to the farm market when I lived in Madison. Now I have to take my gas guzzler. But maybe by summer's end I will be able to bike there.
Off to my spinning class today to get ready...
Ugh. Yes, I was just recently thinking about how ridiculous all the packaging on beauty products are. Even contact solution and such... all come ridiculously over packaged. Even if we recycle all that packaging, it takes so much energy to recycle it and it is unnecessary.
Are you listening, Dr. Scholls?