Papaya and Shrimp
There were more than 200 photos on my camera today and it took about 40 minutes to download them all.
The photo above is the papaya I bought during a heat spell. Now that is food porn! The photo below is how I served it: With cucumbers, cooked shrimp, green onions and a ready-made fig-curry dressing.
Last night we ate out, celebrating the difficult installation of a new window in our laundry room/potting shed area. We both had tenderloin. It was heavenly. What a way to end summer!
Yes, the years have zipped by. Our two biggest events of the year are over now, and we have an average of one a month now, instead of five or six over the course of eight weeks. That was a killer.
Happy Labor Day,
I missed the whole weekend - lying in bed with the flu instead of out playing and having fun. Getting better now, though.