Mushroom Soup with Thyme
Not that she is aware of this act of kindness. But her books — none of them long but all of them lovely — created a pleasant diversion for me on weekends.
She wrote a series of books about the daughters in a family with ties to Normandy; I felt an affinity for them because I had relatives with the same surname. She also wrote other novels, too, and many times they were gentle feminist stories about women achieving some sort of independence or reaching some sort of decision.
I recall one book in which a woman’s husband leaves her for another woman, a younger one, of course. She drives through the rain into Normandy to spend time with her father, and they feast on a rustic meal that included mushrooms. It may have been soup or it may have been a mushroom omelet. No matter; it was comforting. I liked that scene.
I had that comfort in mind tonight when I made such a soup, using that leftover rind of Parmesan and some thyme to give it body and depth. Creaminess and warmth were what I craved.
Rustic Mushroom Soup with Thyme
- 10 ounces mushrooms
- 1 small onion, thinly sliced
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 4 cups chicken or turkey broth
- ½ cup dry white wine or sherry
- 3-4 sprigs fresh thyme
- dash pepper
- dash sel de fleur
Brush mushrooms clean with damp towel; quarter and set aside.
Melt half of butter in heavy stockpot. Add onions and heat until onions become transparent. Add mushrooms and the rest of the butter and stir until mushrooms begin to darken and cook. Add stock and bring to boil. Reduce heat and allow to simmer for an hour.
After an hour of simmering, allow the soup to cool. Working in batches, transfer mushrooms and most of the onions to a blender and purée, holding the blender top down. Return the purée to the stockpot, add wine and allow to simmer for another hour. At this point, I added my rind of Parmesan cheese and the thyme and left it in long enough for some flavor and texture to be released. I removed it after about 20 minutes.
Just before serving, I also added ¼ cup of half and half, to give my soup some creaminess.
Note: Tasty and layered, if less full-bodied than I would have liked. It was inspired by an Anthony Bourdain recipe. He says it's better the next day. Let's hear it for leftovers!
The Parmesan rind thing is excellent unless your husband finds your stash and throw's it out thinking it's trash. But that only happens once!
You've made me hungry for mushroom soup now.
Laura, this was easy, if a little time (thyme) consuming. You can find the original recipe at Epicurious, which is even easier. Bourdain uses parsley, but I had none and I thougt thyme made more sense.
Tanna. my husband does the same thing. And more than once....
Jann, I'm pondering new used for old cheese...
Of course, have the soup for lunch helped.
How are the feet after Paris?
I didn't think it took too long? At least not to prepare, which is the key for me--just a few minutes work, and then I could let it cook for a while.
Anyway--delicious! Thanks for another great recipe, Mimi.
Thanks for the feedback, Laura. I was wondering how shallots would taste — good, I should think, as they are a natural for mushrooms.
I wish I had copies of them (in English) - I think I will search while in Paris. Maybe a used copy?
I know Shakespeare & Co. has used books — that's a start.
Good to see you BC!